How is Stress Affecting You?

How is Stress Affecting You?

What, ANOTHER study on stress and its affects on our body? We see this information and we feel the effects of stress on our system and yet what do we do to deter the effects of stress?

-We know we are starting to have odd aches and pains
-We know we feel more mentally fuzzy, almost as if in a ‘brain fog’
-We know we seem more accident prone, restless maybe more irritable
-Others see the depression or apathy, and the lack of confidence
-We know we experience constant fatigue, repetitive muscular twitches or maybe even ‘tics’
-We know we seem to have constant negativity, indecisions, muddled thinking and truly even hasty almost impulsive decisions

But, did you know that long after a major ‘stressful event’ your body is more prone to respond to recurrent stress with symptoms that can last for longer periods of time.

So, you have a major stressing event, and years later you find little things seem to bother you more than what should be normal! You may actually be more prone to ‘future’ anxiety or even to depression or both, just due to a previous stressful time in your life.

This may seem odd, but research indicates that if we are not preemptive and care for our body by doing stress reduction programs during or after these major events then we may be setting ourselves up for more problems down the road!

What Are Stress Reduction Programs?

* Neurofeedback
* Biofeedback
* Yoga
* Massage
* Laughter Yoga
* Any kind of exercise
~Low impact exercising, etc…
* Doing anything you LOVE,
~ Playing Music
~Creating Art, etc…
* Sex – holding and loving on your partner will also create oxytocin which calms the body and makes one feel peaceful 🙂

Here is an article in Forbes on how stress affects the body and mind.

It is YOUR time to be proactive…step up to the plate and let’s get your body and mind in PRIME condition, you will feel so much better!!!

Just a Thought…by Dr. Lise’

What Makes You Happy?

What Makes You Happy?

Try to make a list of 5 things that make you happy.

Go ahead I will wait 😉

Did you know many people can’t make a ‘Happy List’!

We go through emotional ages that make this answer different…

A young child might be happy with ‘things’
An older child, a good friend and more expensive things 😉

But, it is interesting how most adults would not say it is an ‘object’ that makes them happy. We have been through too many experiences in life that has left us without those we love.

So It is usually being surrounded by our family and friends, or it makes us happy to help others or even to give others’ gifts!

Here is a list of 12 things that ‘Marc’ put together in tribute to Stephen Covey that supports the idea that happiness is derived by actions…doing, creating and nurturing within ourselves. You may have others to add to this list!

I recommend everyone creates a ‘Happy List’ and looks at it daily. Mark off one or more each day and then take a few minutes to honor yourself for making your world a HAPPY place!

Here are a couple of books that answer the question of ‘What Makes You Happy’

Authentic Happiness: Using the New Positive Psychology to Realize Your Potential for Deep Fulfillment by Martin E.P. Seligman, Ph.D


Satisfaction: The Science of Finding True Fulfillment, by Gregory Berns

Ok…now, have a SUPER HAPPY DAY and start your list!!!

Just another thought by Dr. Lise’

Use Your Turn Signals in Life

Use Your Turn Signals in Life

How many of us actually prepare others of our intentions in life? For that matter do we take the time to create our own intentions?

To function our best in this world, it is important for us to have the ability to mentally or cognitively ‘switch’ with ease…to be resilient and ‘go with the flow’. But as we all have experienced at one time or another this is not always an easy task!

Research shows that lack of sleep and chronic stress will also create a brain that is not able to make fast changes or quick decisions.

The National Sleep Foundation – reports that “about 20% of Americans report that they get less than 6 hours of sleep on average, and the number of Americans that report that they get 8 hours of sleep per night has decreased.”

* 40 Million people in the U.S. have a chronic sleep disorder
* $18 Billion dollars are estimated to cost U.S. employers in lost productivity due to sleep loss issues
* 5 % of people suffer from sleep apnea
* 62% of American adults experience a sleep problem at least a few nights per week
* 30 % of all adults have insomnia in the course of any year

Due to the number of people that have a difficult time being alert…being focused…paying attention…staying on task and comprehending what direction they are going much less what direction you are going…perhaps we all need to use our own turn signals in life. Preparing ourselves and others for what direction we want to go and how we want to get there. This may prove to be the safest most direct route to happiness and success!

Just a thought from Dr. Lise’

What Happens in Your Bed After Dark?

What Happens in Your Bed After Dark?

Many times we wake feeling exhausted not ready to start our day…here are three components to consider when evaluating your sleep.

1.) Do you fall asleep within 20 minutes of laying down? (but not in less than 5 minutes, that’s a whole nother blog!)

2. Do you stay asleep throughout the night (no tossing/turning, grinding teeth, walking/talking or nightmares)

3. Do you wake feeling refreshed and ready to start your day?

If you have any of the above concerns…or if you do not get close to the amount of sleep this proposed chart indicates, then you may need a little help.

Luckily, I have some ideas for you 🙂 but let me ask you a few questions first.

Are you sabotaging your ability for a good nights sleep?

* Do you sleep with a TV going? (hmmm…naughty of you!) Your brain is like a child in many ways, it will always try to get by with whatever it can! You must be the adult and teach it (or reteach it) to fall asleep in silence… or white noise, otherwise subconsciously your brain remains alert and trying to focus.

* Do you eat before bedtime? (another no no 🙂 Our bodies truly are incredible but it is hard on them to digest and sleep at the same time, you must think through what you want to spend your body’s resources on at any given moment.

* Ok what about that ‘night cap’? Is it one at dinner? Or several before bedtime? Your brain needs water to control the delicate balance of hormones that allow you to sleep (such as producing melatonin) however, alcohol will not only dehydrate you but it also changes your blood sugar levels. So although it may be helping you fall asleep, it rather abruptly wakes you up a few hours later!

So, I promised you ideas and you can have them for FREE…you are in charge of your own body…and you CAN control so much of what is happening in there. I will send the first 100 people a ‘Sleep Cheat Sheet’ that includes all those ideas I mentioned earlier!! Hurry, I can tell you want your best sleep ever…let’s work together to make that happen! Just email me and it is all yours for FREE!

More thoughts from Dr. Lise’