Make New Friends…

I am so very excited to introduce you, my friends to a new friend I have met.  Dr. Jean Paul Martinet, has a private practice in Oakland, CA.  He is a humanitarian specialist.  He has welcomed Cognitive Connections into his world and together we have collaborated on creating a process that engages the entire body, but doing this through primarily brain-based services.  Dr. Martinet will share in his words what he adds to our Cognitive Connections process.

“This is Dr. Jean Paul Martinet D.C, Several months ago we began an affiliation with Cognitive Connections and Dr. Lise DeLong based on our mutual understanding of the importance of optimum brain function and each of us having unique skills and training to offer the public. This is producing excellent results. I am writing this article to give you a better understanding of what I do that relates to your optimum brain functioning.

Dr. DeLong primarily uses Neurofeedback to balance brain function in a holistic manner, and also uses remediation brain games targeted to the clients specific brain weakness, which is determined after extensive standardized testing, (she has several other methods in her toolbox,as well).

I would like to explain some of what I do that is different as well as complimentary. The areas in which I help bring about improved brain function are primarily in the structural, chemical/nutritional and emotional realms. I will share briefly some of the structural and chemical techniques that I use, and then will elaborate on other techniques, things that affect your brain and strategies at a later date.

Nucca alignment

Nucca alignment


First of all, I check everyone’s neck and determine if there are any misalignments. One particular area that I pay a lot of attention to is the upper cervical spine. The atlas vertebra, the first neck vertebra which is located just below the skull, is misaligned in at least 90 percent of people. This area is located at the medulla oblongata, or brain stem, and this area helps control posture, heartbeat and respiration, among other things. Of special importance are the vertebral arteries that come up the sides of the vertebrae and take a 90 degree bend before going into the back of the skull.  A misalignment in this area affects blood flow to the brain, and blood flow is very important to brain functioning. The NUCCA technique is the most advanced, precise and gentle technique used to realign the atlas, head and neck. I have been doing this amazing technique for over 30  years. Everyone should have their atlas checked, because all of the nerves that come from all parts of the body and go into spinal cord , as well as all of the nerves exiting the brain and controlling bodily functions, pass through the atlas area.  So many things are affected by poor alignment like, hip and back alignment, blood pressure, and headaches etc, that I cannot even list them here.


I have been practicing functional endocrinology for years,  and part of that study involves the brain. In simple terms, your brain is like a plant. A plant needs certain things to thrive, like water, sunshine, and nutrients from the soil.  If it does not get them, it will not flourish, and may even die. The brain is the same. A simple blood test can reveal a lot about how your brain is functioning. Any kind of anemia will cause less oxygen to be delivered to the brain so is a blood sugar problem, (hypoglycemia, insulin resistance or diabetes). This is because the brain uses between 20 to 25 per cent of the body’s glucose, or blood sugar for energy to function.  The gut is called the enteric nervous system, or second brain.  Damage to it from antibiotics or gluten sensitivity etc. can cause ‘leaky gut syndrome’ and inflammation.  Gut inflammation is linked to brain fog and celluar inflammation. Gut and body inflammation destroys the brain. There are some blood test indicators such as c reactive protein, that can give indications of brain and body inflammation.There are also lab tests to determine if one has a leaky gut. A leaky gut can lead to allergies and a hyperactive immune system, which can attack parts of the brain (or other body parts).

The neurons, or brain cells also need certain nutritional elements to make neurotransmitters. Neurotransmitters are chemicals that transmit signals from one neuron to another. I use a survey forms that will indicate if you have a neurotransmitter deficiency, and there are certain nutritional formulas that can help correct this, without the use of drugs.

Another  thing that is essential to neurons is the right kind of stimulation.  Dr. DeLong’s,  process of Neurofeedback and brain games provide this in a most effective manner. A chiropractic adjustment, light, color, exercise and hormones also stimulate the neurons.

There are many conditions that affect your brain, and to get optimum brain functioning, you might want to consider getting involved in practitioner like myself, who knows about  natural remedies that include structural, nutritional,  detoxification and emotional elements in your patient care.”

Thank you Dr. Martinet for sharing what you do in your office and allowing us a glimpse at how you optimize the brain!

Friends, be good to yourself this year and look at what options you have in your area for proactive complimentary healthcare services and if you need help finding a reputable practitioner please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Just another thought by Dr. Lise’

Do you Recognize the signs of Stress and Anxiety?


I found a post that warrants reprinting. It reminds us at this time of year getting everything completed at work, living up to other peoples expectations, or just trying to provide for our families can create our bodies to respond to stress. The Holidays induce an environment conducive to stress and anxiety for a multitude of reasons!

I want to add from my perspective there are many ways to reduce stress and anxiety but the best I have seen so far is Neurofeedback, it calms the internal fight or flight response. We offer both Neurofeedback and a variety of Biofeedback techniques. Get in touch should you need any help this Holiday!

Written by Ann Pietrangelo | Published on September 24, 2014
Medically Reviewed by George Krucik, MD, MBA on September 24, 2014


Everyone has anxiety from time to time, but chronic anxiety can negatively impact your quality of life. It is a mental health disorder that can also have serious consequences for your physical health.
When you feel anxious and stressed, your brain floods your system with hormones and chemicals designed to help you respond to a threat. That’s good in the short term, but harmful in the long term. Read more.
Panic Attacks, Generalized Ill Health, Central Nervous System Function, Respiratory Response, Excretory and Digestive System Upset, Behavioral Changes, Flight or Fight Response, Immune System Response, Cardiovascular Changes


It may be difficult to pinpoint anxiety disorders if there are co-existing mental health disorders, physical illnesses, or substance abuse problems. Signs that someone may have a serious anxiety disorder include:
* Fear of Leaving the House
* Social Withdrawal Extreme
* Unwarranted Fear of Particular Situation or Things
* Changes in Personality Family or Relationship Problems
* Depression or Suicidal Thoughts
* Compulsive or Repetitive Behaviors
* Trouble on the Job or in School
* Alcohol or Drug Abuse
* Frequent Emotional & Physical Health Issues
* Recognizing Anxiety: Symptoms, Signs, and Risk Factors

Anxiety is a normal part of human life. You may have felt anxiety before addressing a group or applying for a job, for example. In the short term, anxiety increases your breathing rate and heart rate, concentrating the blood flow to your brain, where you need it. This very physical response is preparing you to face an intense situation. If it gets too intense, however, you might start to feel lightheaded and nauseous. An excessive or persistent state of anxiety can have a devastating effect on your physical and mental health.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), about 40 million American adults have some type of anxiety disorder every year. An anxiety disorder is a condition in which you experience frequent, powerful bouts of anxiety that interfere with your life. This type of anxiety can get in the way of family, career, and social obligations.

There are several types of anxiety disorder. Among them are:
Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is excessive anxiety for no apparent reason. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA), GAD affects about 6.8 million American adults a year. GAD is diagnosed when extreme worry about a variety of things lasts six months or longer. If you have a mild case, you’re probably able to function fairly normally. More severe cases may have a profound impact on your life.

Social anxiety disorder is a paralyzing fear of social situations and of being judged or humiliated by others. This severe social phobia can leave one feeling ashamed and alone. About 15 million American adults live with social anxiety disorder, according to the ADAA. The typical age at onset is 13. Thirty-six percent of patients wait a decade or more before pursuing help.

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) develops after you’ve witnessed or experienced something traumatic. Symptoms can begin immediately or be delayed for years. Common causes include war, natural disasters, or physical attack. Episodes of anxiety may be triggered without warning.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is also a type of anxiety disorder. People with OCD are overwhelmed with the desire to perform particular rituals (compulsions) over and over again. Common compulsions include habitual hand washing, counting, or checking something.

Phobias are also anxiety disorders. Common phobias include fear of tight spaces (claustrophobia) and fear of heights (acrophobia). It creates a powerful urge to avoid the feared object or situation.

Panic disorder causes panic attacks spontaneous feelings of anxiety, terror, or impending doom. Physical symptoms include heart palpitations, chest pain, and shortness of breath. These attacks may be repeated at any time. People with any type of anxiety disorder may have panic attacks.

Anxiety Disorder Symptoms
Anxiety manifests in many different ways. Symptoms may be unique to the type of anxiety disorder or to the individual. All include magnified worry about something for more than six months.

  • General symptoms include:
    * nervousness
    * irritability
    * restlessness
    * trouble sleeping
    * fatigue
    * trouble concentrating
  • During moments of extreme anxiety or during a panic attack, these symptoms may be accompanied by:
    * sense of danger or doom
    * trembling, dizziness, weakness
    * shortness of breath
    * excessive perspiration
    * feeling cold or overheated
    * numbness or tingling in the hands
    * rapid heartbeat, palpitations
    * chest pain
    * rapid breathing, hyperventilating

Panic attacks can happen when least expected and without obvious provocation. Frequent panic attacks may elevate your level of stress and contribute to social isolation.
People who have PTSD can experience flashbacks, reliving a traumatic experience over and over. They may be quick to anger, startle easily, or become emotionally withdrawn. Other symptoms include nightmares, insomnia, and sadness.

OCD causes obvious behavioral symptoms such as performing compulsive, repetitive acts. Many people with OCD develop rituals they feel they must carry out to avoid perceived consequences. People with social anxiety disorder or other phobias usually try to avoid confronting the object of their fear.

Complications of Anxiety Disorder
Anxiety can trigger the “flight or fight” stress response, releasing a flood of chemicals and hormones like adrenaline into your system. In the short term, this increases your pulse and breathing rate so your brain can get more oxygen. You are now prepared to respond appropriately to an intense situation. Your immune system may even get a brief boost. Your body will return to normal functioning when the stress passes.

If you repeatedly feel anxious and stressed, or if it lasts a long time, your body never gets the signal to return to normal functioning. That can weaken your immune system, leaving you more vulnerable to viral infections. According to Harvard Medical School, studies have shown an increased rate of anxiety and panic attacks in people with chronic respiratory disease (COPD). COPD patients with anxiety tend to be hospitalized more often. Prolonged stress may lead to a general feeling of ill health. Vaccines may be less effective in people with anxiety disorders.

Your excretory and digestive systems also suffer. According to Harvard Medical School, there may be a connection between anxiety disorders and the development of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) after a bowel infection. IBS can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation.

Anxiety disorder may cause loss of appetite and lack of interest in sex. Other symptoms include muscle tension, headaches, and insomnia. Frequent panic attacks can cause you to fear the anxiety attacks themselves, thereby increasing overall anxiety. The constant state of stress can lead to clinical depression. You are also at increased risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. If you already have heart disease, anxiety disorders may raise the risk of coronary events.

Risk Factors for Developing an Anxiety Disorder

Anxiety disorders can happen at any stage of life, but they usually begin by middle age. Women are 60 percent more likely to have an anxiety disorder than men, according to the NIMH.

Stressful life experiences may increase your risk. Symptoms may begin immediately or years later. Having a serious medical condition or a substance abuse problem can also lead to anxiety disorder.

Social Signs of Anxiety Disorder: What to Look For

It may be difficult to pinpoint anxiety disorders if there are co-existing mental health disorders, physical illnesses, or substance abuse problems. Signs that someone may have a serious anxiety disorder include:

  •  fear of leaving the house
  •  social withdrawal
  •  extreme, unwarranted fear of particular situations or things
  •  compulsive or repetitive behaviors
  •  changes in personality
  •  trouble on the job or in school
  •  family or relationship problems
  •  alcohol or drug abuse
  •  depression or suicidal thoughts
  •  frequent emotional and physical health issues

If you have signs of anxiety disorder, see your doctor or make an appointment with a mental health professional.

Diagnosis and Treatment
To reach a diagnosis, your doctor must carefully evaluate your symptoms. Underlying medical conditions will need to be addressed. Anxiety disorders can be treated with medication, cognitive therapy, or behavioral therapy. Often, a combination of treatments is the best course of action. Treatment for anxiety disorders should be viewed as long term. In most cases, treatment for anxiety is successful, allowing patients to lead full, productive lives.
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